Saturday, April 24, 2010

Time to head home!

How do you drive when it is time to head home?
Great trip everyone. THANK YOU!

CAPE-Ritu and David-Center for Advanced Pediatric and Prenatel Education

“Training health care professionals like baseball players”-practice, practice, practice
-We visit CAPE-first center dedicated to pediatric and obstetric simulation
-Their mission is to: innovate, validate and disseminate
-They consider how to use simulation to benefit hospitals
-Specifically, changing our culture: The circle of safety
-Their simulation helps to recreate the time pressure of a real emergency
-This experience is used as a capstone experience

Day 2: Three cups of coffee-I am ready to go Visit Center for Aging & Technology and Public Health Institute in Oakland, host Dr. David Lindeman

-We enjoy yummy bagels and are hosted by Valerie Steinmetz, David Linderman, Ange Wang
-They are from the Public Health Institute (40yrs) and the Center for Technology and Aging (1.5 years)

Dr. Chatterjee presents on-A New Model of Helthcare: Prevention with Persuasive Technology
-He provides an overview of two research projects-Virtual Health Coach on Mobile Handheld, Circadian Daily Rhythm with Sensor Networks
-He talks about technology changing behavior
-He covers terminology, functional triad, three successful outcomes of PT
-He provides a healthy living framework
-Dr. Chatterjee covers ethics
-He talks about his network convergence lab that looks at the obesity problem in the US

We then get a presentation on PHI-Improving the cost and care for elders
-The share the considerations of demographics and resource scarcity-the changing demographics, scare resources, technological innovation all converge on technologies for independent living
-Wellness is important but chronic disease still a big concern
-The VA is a leader in how technology can help older adults
-I love their slides: Idea for Well power point slides like this company has
-We should consider the TIES program-social networks for people with chronic diseases or disabilities
-The US putting 19 billion into Health Information Technology
-They considern meaningful use-doctors getting paid for such use-This is a "Game Changer"

Coffee book reading #6: PACE program and AWS (Intel Health Guide)
-Nursing home qualified elders-keeping them in their homes with assistance

Visit #3: Innovation in Learning Inc-host Dr. Parvati Dev

-Dr. Parvati Dev is joind by Dr. LeRoy-OBGYN, a Multimedia Medical-Educator at heart, clinicial too
-They explore virtual worlds for education and learning
-They focus on helping people learn by doing
-It’s not just what you do, it is how you work with people
-Surgery as an orchestrated ballet (in their opinion)
-Virtual worlds in health are important so that folks can learn to dance with others

Coffee Read #6: Complex Manifesto
Article about medical virtual environments:

How this works:
-Instructors invite Avatars to class (ten at a time) to learn
-Security is important to avoid the “Griefers” that are problems in second life
-The experience encourages doctors to consider: What could it be? What is the problem?-the critical thinking of a doctor

Challenges of this program:
-Hard to do non-verbals in this world
-Diversity considerations

3:15-4:00pm: CGU time with BJ

Dr. Fogg asks us about what we are working on
-He encourages me to check out John Marrow's high school retention work
-He also shares the bad PR on myspace (something to consider)
-Dr. Fogg reminds us that half the country is on facebook
-He feels that mobile persuasion is the future
-He also wants more work done on texting in health

-Dr. Fogg encourges us to attend the Mobile Health Conference (May-AAERP sponsored)

Coffee Read #5: “Nudge” and “How we Decide”
-Green Behaviors-New behaviors or decisions (Nudge)
-Blue Behaviors-Familiar behaviors (habits)

He encourages us to consider the distinction between a behavior and a habit. Behaviors are things you do without deciding

-He shares that he learns more about something by teaching a class on that topic-I need to keep this in mind!

Part 2: BJ's class

TEA Break #1 kicking in to my system-yeah!
He shares great examples of persuasive technology:
-Weight Watcher’s (Blue Path, sequence of behavior) site, Dale Carnegie’s work, etc
-Kara-User Research-Method’s for Understanding Users-user personas

He also reviews his persuasive technology triangle that we have been learning about in class. I feel smart.

Coffee Reading #2-“Don’t shoot the dog” book-Karen Pryor and/or YOUTUBE clicker training with Dogs and Fish and/or “Health Anthropology”-Designing Health Interventions

He chats about motivation-Intrinsic and Extrinsic types-Cooperation, Recognition, and Competition (the super powerful ones)

Coffee Reading #3: "DRIVE-the surprising truth about what motivates us"
-Autonomy, mastering, purpose-work examples

-He shares that he loves Bandura!
-Dr. Fogg encourages persuasive technology designers to find a fundamental viewpoint and then filter the others around it

"Make something simple and motivate folks to do it!"
Core Motivators:
1. Pleasure/Pain
2. Hope/Fear
3. Social Acceptance/Social Rejection

"Use the lightest touch of motivation that works"

For persuasive technology projects consider:
1. Demographic
2. Technique
3. Channel
4. Task

Visit #2: Earth Day with BJ Fogg: Health Habits

1:15pm: Ring of Apple Computer Bell-“Thanks for Being on Time for Class” (Great teaching technique, I plan to snag this idea).
-This class appears to be a combination of graduate and undergraduate students
-Starts with class critiques entitled "Biggest Problems after 3+ Weeks"
-Stanford students seem very confident, they have insightful questions and ask tough questions
-Folks shaired thoughts on the CHAI Conference (Computer Human Interaction Conference)

Start of his lecture (He is intereesting but I need coffee bad):
-Dr. Fogg feels that behaviorism is out of fashion
-He also feels that health care applications are not catching on for the facebook platform

He gives students advice on their ongoing "Sunscreen Application Persuasion Tools" project:
-"Don’t blame the user when you are not clear with your directions"
-He shows them his sunscreen application video-Team Yoda
-Dr. Fogg asks his students to think about their tools encouraging Sunscreen use as an opportunity for changing behaviors or the formation of new habits
-He shares that it is important when designing persuasive technology tools to consider: 1) motivation, 2)ability, 3)TRIGGER
-TEA Break #1 (no coffee available)

12:15-1:15pm: Lunch

-I have a nice chat with Dr. Chatterjee
-We take a group photo (See Jessica's blog)

1:15pm-I discover that I need more coffee to walk this fast to get to class on time. We make it to BJ Fogg’s class just before the bell.

Part Two Media X: Need coffee cup #4

Other relevent social media examples:
-“Cure Together,”-people helping each other with diseases-illness management tools
-The “organizational chart,” networks
-UC Santa Barbara-virtual oceans

We should always consider the "Media Equation"-the idea that we are wired for social exchange. This is important for technology designers to keep in mind
-Politeness and social rules apply for technology design
-World of war craft-how communicate, how leadership emerges

Favorite question from this presentation: Did you know that you can morph someone’s picture up to 40% without them noticing?

Other thoughts shared:
-In the future-sensors are going to be utilized for web content
-Metrics (managing info that other’s use about us) are going to be important
-Diagnostics (looking back and making an assessment of what is happening) are also important
-Predictive Factors (looking ahead)-liveliness, interaction, responsiveness are critical
-Measurement of Buzz-ripple effect-algorithms of word of mouth (content is digital, we can track it)will be equally critical
-Always keep in mind that the rules of the game have changed-we are more person centered

Something to check out on my laptop with a cup of coffee: The Journal for Interactive Advertising

-She challenges us to consider this question: What are the business opportunities related to social networking?

Visit #1: Dr. Barbara Martha Russell-Media X

10:05am- Meet Dr. Martha Russell from Media X
10:15am-noon- Dr. Russell talks to us about social media. She talks about the uses and the coming metrics to manage and monitor social media.
-“All media is social”
-Did you know that it all started with the friendly Pillsbury Doughboy? He is considered one of the original “Avatars”
-Other social media examples: “Meet-up” groups-fluidity of info (Cultural). Media X thrives in this kind of community
-A lot of what we do depends on people and their use of information technologies
-The “My phone” mentality changed the game-the nature of engagement changed
-Dr. Russell calls it “engagement pinball”

Always a college administrator, even when travelling

9:45am: Arrive at Stanford. My professor drove, I navigated. We did not get lost. Yeah!
9:44am: I quickly hop out of the van after watching a professor fall on his way to class-He asked me while bleeding -Am I injured? Can I make it to class to give my exam? I said no and called 911. Met “friendly” Stanford security officer. Fire trucks and police arrive so I start to find my group. Professor is patched up by the EMTs as I find my class.

Showing up is half the battle

4am-Wake up to Aris calling me-he was making sure that I set my alarm right
4:30am-Sit outside my neighborhood Starbucks until it is open-Coffee cup #1
5:45am-Arrive at ONT Airport-Due to bad signage at the airport, a good number of us almost get on the wrong flight (We almost visited the Governor in Sacramento)-Coffee cup #2
6:30am-Flight Leaves-Kellie and I share a row and chat about life
8:30am-All twenty of us head to Hertz to grab vans-Coffee cup #3

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How Much Can I Pack in One Bag?

My challenge If I choose to accept it...

Pack work stuff, coffee, school stuff, two days of clean clothes, plugs for electronics, security compliant toiletries, vitamin C tablets, power bars, ipod, camera, etc...

All in a backpack that can slip under a Southwest Airlines seat.

Game On!